@shawnyeager Saw your reply in the forum. Quick question. What version of Hugo are you on with Tiny and M.b?
@shawnyeager Saw your reply in the forum. Quick question. What version of Hugo are you on with Tiny and M.b?
@Mtt Hey, Matt. I’m using 0.91, which I believe is correct? Should I be seeing a Tiny Theme-styled 404? The Marfa-styled 404 page is no longer displaying, for whatever reason, but now I'm seeing just a generic "not found "page. Thanks!
@shawnyeager Correct version, yes. I like to have a personalized 404, but that shoudn’t make a difference. It sounds like everything is setup right with Tiny.
I’d try 2 things in your case. First, create a custom 404 (just a new page called 404). See how that works. If not fixed, rebuild the site from the log page.
@Mtt Thanks. I tried both, but neither fixed it, unfortunately.
@shawnyeager My only other guess would be something at the DNS level.
Any thoughts, @manton? (Recap: 404 page showing generic not found instead of custom.)
@Mtt FWIW, the (now added) 404 page does render when accessed directly, but it is not redirected to. shawnyeager.org/404.html
@shawnyeager @Mtt I have a similar issue - my 404 text renders... but is no longer styled in the Tiny theme. This used to work, so assumed something to do with trying the updated version of Hugo and reverting.
@leeperry Interesting. In the meanwhile, I am now seeing a “Not found” page styled for Tiny Theme. Maybe you did some magic, @manton?
However, now my custom 404 page isn't being used.
@shawnyeager @leeperry I definitely think something odd is happening. Mine works fine, Shawn's design is working fine but not the content, Lee's custom content is working fine but not the design. I also checked a couple others. For example, @maique's has the same issue as Lee's. But @Kalena's works like mine.
@shawnyeager Well, that's good I think. Ha. I'm guessing someone is tweaking something on the backend as we speak.
@shawnyeager @Mtt I wasn't tweaking anything, but the 404 handling might feel a little glitchy because it caches the custom 404 page for an hour. Also if anything is slow, it reverts to the default 404 for performance. Maybe we can improve this.
@Mtt @shawnyeager I've fixed this on my site - I had to wrap the content of my 404 template inside {{ define "main" }}