@Cheri @pratik @ronguest @chrispederick Everything in moderation, right? :-)
I also have not noticed anyone’s reading/watching/listening/etc, or even Link, posts being a problem, because they aren’t overwhelming. Everyone I follow usually has maybe a couple a day max, or a week more likely. Once in a blue moon someone goes on a check-in spree, but among those I follow, it’s usually over as quickly as it began. (I get more annoyed by my own reply-spamming of the Timeline than by anyone’s “supplemental activity” posts!)
More generally, I think what’s important is that your blog makes you happy.
This, very much this. Put whatever you want on your blog.
But at the same time, I think it’s important for people to be intentional about what they share from their blog to any given community where they participate. (Simply thinking about it, like you’ve done, is enough, but in some places people might want to only syndicate a specific blog category, or manually reference a post on their other blog, or whatever. I automatically syndicate only “Status” category posts—which is set by the M.b app—here, and have to manually choose to include any other types of posts I write, which I usually, but not always, syndicate.)