Importing check-ins from Ohai:
@manton This brings up a query for me: how can those of us who couldn't care less about checkins mute them from our timelines? I've unfollowed a few people because they're always checking in to somewhere or other.
@Miraz Muting is probably best for now. I think some of the check-ins you're seeing are probably from external blogs and doesn't really know they're check-ins. This is also why I decided to keep my check-ins on a separate blog, to avoid potential clutter.
@hutaffe Yes, however good @gluon is, I sadly can’t use it as my default Micro.Blog client, because it won’t let me select text from a post directly, and then choose “Look up”, “Copy” or “Translate” from a context menu. Those are essential to me. Else I would probably switch right away. @pratik @rom @miraz @manton
@manton That would be great. I’m sure some people who follow me don’t want to hear about the orange buffoon.
@manton A few years ago I’d written a script to import Foursquare data into Day One for just such a purpose. A checkin service would be nice. Would love if there was a “private” checkin option in that.