An Introduction to the IndieWeb | AltPlatform:
@c Really great write up and introduction. However, for people like "Mom" it is still far easier to sign up on Facebook and post/like there.
@c A little hint on how do you got mentions visible on blog posts? I thought Manton hadn't implemented WebMention support in M.b. yet? Bridgy, beta?
@renem, @manton has implemented Webmentions, but a filtered version. If I recall, mentions are only sent to the website listed in your account settings and not to others. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, perhaps it could be a selling point for expanding the user base of if he let all @mentions and @replies send Webmentions. Barring that it would be nice if there were additional fields for more websites which could receive them as I use two different sites to feed my account, and currently only one of them can get these "whitelisted" Webmentions.
@manton so if I write something on my blog, and it gets posted here via feed and someone answered, my site receives the Webmention? Tbc, my blog is. It my verified site here, because that would break OwnYourGram and other IndieAuth connections.
@colinwalker I use on my blog for this and display the mentions via JavaScript client side. But I was not aware that this setup works if someone mentions me here because M.b. Only knows my verified site which is my MicroBlog custom domain.