How are people using both and Mastodon? Cross posting? Using individually? Some other creative way?
How are people using both and Mastodon? Cross posting? Using individually? Some other creative way?
@maique Are you cross posting with a full personal Mastodon account? Or just using the created thing? Not sure of the proper terminology.
@Mtt Because you asked: Using both separately with Mastodon usage on the decline and M.b on the rise.
@maique Makes sense. I feel like there’s a more cohesive way to use everything (Micro, Mast, Twitter), but I haven’t worked it all out yet.
@pimoore I think I might disable the built in cross posting, but I may use some sort of automation to cross post to my personal one. Not positive though.
@Mtt I have been using the built-in MB <-> Mastodon functionality exclusively for now, and advertising my MB account Mastodon name to people I know. So far so good.
@briandigital Do we have any control over that Mastodon account? Such as setting profile info or seeing follower accounts?
@Mtt Not cross-posting from But I have activated ActivityPub so people using Mastodon can follow me there. Basically is my fediverse instance.
I have a different Mastodon account which effectively will replace my Twitter for work account. I use it much less than I use
@pratik Makes sense. I think I’m going to turn off the activitypub and cross post to my personal account for now. Just seems to give me a little more flexibility.
@pratik Your post for some reason helped explain to me the link in between Mastodon and that just made it completely clear to me. That is despite the very good and helpful posts from others. Come to think of it, it was probably because of and on the back of those very good posts. Your post was the one that cleared away the final bit of dust. Thank you.
@Mtt depends on what you mean by “control”. Your MB profile can be read by Mastodon users. Right now, MB does not show following counts, although I would like to know how many accounts follow my own.
But the way to think about it is MB is (can be) your Mastodon account with a slightly different feature set.
@briandigital Ok, that makes sense. But can I follow Mastodon-only users through it? That would be the holdup for me.
@Mtt I do currently, yes. Just enter their user name in the Discover search to find, then tap “follow” within their profile.
@briandigital I’m getting closer I think. One more question if you don’t mind. When I use my personal account to search for Microblog ActivityPub one, it shows it. But it has no content. What am I missing?
@crossingthethreshold You’re welcome ☺️ I like to make things clear in my head by writing it out and speaking it out loud sometimes to the point of being absolutely mistaken.