
After a few weeks off the new keyboard, I have switched back to QWERTY from Colemak. It is still an intriguing idea, but I am just not practising enough to make it happen.

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@yatil As good as Colemak is, QWERTY is so ingrained at this point it feels permanent in my muscle memory. It’s also problematic when switching between different devices, both personal and at work; the latter especially since someone covers for me when I’m off.

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@pimoore @yatil It is tricky to use a different layout if you're swapping between devices (or have to share a device with someone else). I've been using Dvorak left-hand for about 18 months now, and had used it in the past for a few years... when I first went back to QWERTY it was indeed because swapping between work/home computers was too confusing. Now that's no longer an issue for me, I'm all on board again 😛 But it did take a bunch of practice to re-familiarise myself to the point it got faster than QWERTY.

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@jayeless @pimoore Yeah, I still like the idea of switching the layout, but I’m just not patient enough to pull it off at the moment. In my experiments switching was not too bad, especially as I would have used a QWERTY keyboard with my iPad and the body positioning is so different with the split keyboard.

Maybe next year.

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