Photographers should give serious consideration to winding down on Instagram. Publish to your own website and, if you must use a platform, try Flickr. It is so much better for photography in every way. Instagram will be only TikTok-like videos soon.
Photographers should give serious consideration to winding down on Instagram. Publish to your own website and, if you must use a platform, try Flickr. It is so much better for photography in every way. Instagram will be only TikTok-like videos soon.
@cdevroe I am doing this. Started going back to Flickr and will only post a few on instagram probably.
@pimoore Nice. In the past the community there was awesome. I joined in 2004. Then left for a while and I am slowing coming back as I miss having a more “open” space to post my photos. I hope they keep improving it.
@maique Flickr is a joy to use. The apps are great. The community is great. I love that Polaroid Week is tearing it up over there this week.
@pimoore @pcora @maique I think publishing one's photos to one's blog is the most important thing you can possible do with your time. It will pay longterm dividends. However, jumping into the Flickr community for inspiration, critique, and connecting with other artists trying to make great things - is also worth the effort.
Instagram is not about that at all. And that will be even more apparent very very soon.
@cdevroe What has kept me off of Instagram (besides the impending TikTok-like take over) is the lack of space on the app for looking at one picture. There is always the hint of the previous picture and the next in the scroll, or the ever-present 'story' banner at the top. It's amazing how distracting this can be. Also, @jack mentioned this recently, the inability to post on Instagram from a desktop is a real bummer, especially for film photographers posting scans. All that to say: you're right.
@cdevroe pretty much all my photos / images go to Flickr in some capacity, most not set to public but it’s been reliable and great host / copy of my photos since 2006 for me. Totally recommend
@cdevroe Agreed. Haven't posted to Instagram for over a year now and it's nice. I'll be giving Flickr another look thanks to's new integration with it that makes it so much easier!