@patrickrhone Delightful. I could practically feel the weight of the keys and the sense zip of the return just by listening. Thank you.
@patrickrhone This was a delight to listen to. Many, many years ago I had a brief infatuation with a typewriter and writing with it, and this took me back. Shukran.
@patrickrhone it sounds like it really resounds. Is that just an effect of the recording or does it really make mechanical keyboards sound like a touchscreen ;) (not that there's anything wrong with that. Also are you going to start and ASMR podcast!)
@patrickrhone I love this. Good example of the kind of experiments that are natural for short podcasts, since it's easier to try things and not get stuck in a more traditional show format for each episode.
@manton Thanks for this. It means a lot.
@ChrisJWilson The sound does fill the room. That said, the room is our third floor loft space so it’s a pretty big room to fill.
@philly Thanks. I love typing on this thing. Perhaps I’ll share the sound of my 1955 Royal soon.
@patrickrhone That brings me back… I got to set up my own machine one of these days. Maybe ask @manton if he can make a special Micro.blog iOS keyboard with typewriter sounds 😉
@patrickrhone reminds me of the type writer we had in the basement growing up. It probably was from the late 40’s and it sounded like that
@patrickrhone Nice! Looking forward to it. And compulsive me will try to listen to the recording to try to map it to the letters on the page.
@patrickrhone The typewriter I used growing up (to fill out things like college applications) was an electric model (I'll have to ask my parents to pull it out of a closet to see what it was). So in my mind, I expect a background hum that a truly manual typewriter just doesn't have. A classic, purer sound nonetheless.