@help I don't see additional blogs as one of the Premium features. Is another $5 subscription the only way to create a new blog? Can you please shed some light on this?
@help I don't see additional blogs as one of the Premium features. Is another $5 subscription the only way to create a new blog? Can you please shed some light on this?
@vladcampos @help for new blogs you need another subscription. Premium allows you to create single-page websites (which are technically blogs with a single post + pages). The new Micro.publish website is built using a single-page website.
@otaviocc I see. So if I subscribe to a new blog, it will be independent of the main site, with its own domain, right? I was looking for a way to create an additional blog on my website to post in Portuguese. The idea was to use the same domain, but keep the blog in Portuguese on a subdomain.
@vladcampos @help @manton yes. If you subscribe to a new blog, it's a completely independent blog with its own micro.blog subdomain. You can assign a domain to it or a subdomain of you current domain. I had, for a while, a subdomain called "photos" in my domain which was configured to use a secondary blog here.
They can even cross-post to different services that your main blog cross-posts.
And your micro.blog profile - micro.blog/vladcampos - will include links to both your blogs.
@otaviocc @help @manton That's pretty interesting, but it's the opposite of what I'm looking for. Creating something like pt.vladcampos.com will mess up my well-known "/pages" system in Portuguese and English. I could maybe create redirects, but I'm not sure if this would be a suitable solution because I've been promoting vladcampos.com in both languages for a long time. Not to mention that I would probably have to duplicate parts of the site structure, like /photos.
@otaviocc As for that extra website on the Premium subscription, would you be able to have a different domain or subdomain for the micropublish.micro.blog site?
@vladcampos let’s have a video call. I can share my screen and setup with you. Then you can see what’s possible and what’s not.
@vladcampos I have a premium blog, a regular one, and two single-page websites. I can show you how it all works.
@vladcampos Thanks @otaviocc for the help! Another option for multiple languages might be using categories. There is more flexibility with subdomains, though.