Maybe there is a way. But, I wish I could respond to posts from from my RSS reader without loading a web view. This seems like plug-in territory.
Maybe there is a way. But, I wish I could respond to posts from from my RSS reader without loading a web view. This seems like plug-in territory.
@skoobz Now that would be one step up from @sod's currently implemented experimental feed. I don't think even Google Reader offered that, although I have wished for that feature forever. @johnphilpin @otaviocc
@manton the link to the reply on the app only takes you to the timeline and not the conversation. Ideally it should open up the reply window with the @ pre-filled.
@skoobz @otaviocc @JohnPhilpin @pratik @manton If I hack together support for replies in my experimental feeds, it won't feel native to the feed reader. It also won't work with other blogs (outside the Micro. blog universe) without alternative feeds.
A better solution is reply functionality natively built-in to feed readers. So:
Support developers that already offer this feature in their apps. Monocle and Together are two examples. And reach out to the developer of your favorite feed reader to ask for this feature.
@sod Thank you for the feedback on this. Specifically, I was interested in this for feeds. But, the replies here have opened me up to a few more things for me to look into. I appreciate it all.
@sod @skoobz @otaviocc @JohnPhilpin @manton Agree that this should be a feed reader feature. Thanks for recommending Monocle and Together.
If you think about it, is kinda like a feed reader, and you can reply within the timeline to any blog hosted on Mb. While you can view any blog on Mb, you technically can't reply to non-Mb posts unless they are on Mb too.
@pratik @skoobz @otaviocc @JohnPhilpin @manton Oh, yeah, I think of as a feed reader. It's just a bit limited, as you cant follow any RSS feed. At least not without hacks. expect one (sub-) domain = feed.
But you can reply to posts outside the community. There are millions of microblogs on Mastodon and the larger fediverse, and your replies will be sent to any blog with support for webmentions, micro or not.
@sod @pratik I think we'll always keep the "one domain = one feed" for the timeline, but you can imagine in the future we might have a separate section for managing feeds more like a traditional feed reader. I've considered it a few times but not ready to go there yet. Happy to recommend Feedbin and NetNewsWire. 🙂