I know I’ve asked this before, but as things change with time, I’m curious what other Micro.blog users are using to allow non-MB users to comment on posts? Thinking of users who receive posts via RSS, Email, or a non-federated channel like LinkedIn.
I know I’ve asked this before, but as things change with time, I’m curious what other Micro.blog users are using to allow non-MB users to comment on posts? Thinking of users who receive posts via RSS, Email, or a non-federated channel like LinkedIn.
@SteveSawczyn Maybe @sod, @jayeless or @miraz can help answer that?
@odd @SteveSawczyn Non-Micro.blog readers of my blog typically reach out via fediverse (Mastodon et al.) or email. Some comment by posting to their own blog and then let me know, either by pinging me manually (over email) or automatically by sending a webmention.