Every time I’m discouraged about church politics in the ACNA I check in on TEC and the UMC. Let us not forget where we’ve been and what’s been accomplished. Semper reformanda, listen to the Spirit, etc., etc. But, instead of debating women’s ordination we could be debating the Nicene Creed or polyamory. ...
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@marmanold I'm really disappointed. But at least a relative amount of autonomy is given to parishes and dioceses — means on the ground I don't have change except for loss of morale and greater difficulty in catechising (join our squishy unstable denom!). It means for me the main way forward is living out and teaching the orthodox Anglican tradition irrespective of province, as long as the orders are valid.

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@jonah I'm hopeful. Ten years ago, WO wasn't as big an issue. That fact that it is, is a good sign. I think we're moving in the correct direction, it'll just take time. Even with the abp election, I think the fact that he doesn't allow female rectors shows the way the wind is blowing.

And, you're right, as long as we're free to maintain the faith and valid orders at the diocesan and parish level, we're okay. My prayer is that the work at the parish level continues and that in ten years we've moved to an even greater consensus on WO.

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@marmanold I started in APA/REC so it was always an issue and a threat to valid sacraments -- and 10 years ago I was discriminated against for my views while serving in a "dual integrity" (actually pro-WO) diocese. My hope is not in the province but in the Anglican tradition.

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