Apple threatened to remove my blog from Apple News if I didn’t blog within the week. Thanks, Apple News!…
Apple threatened to remove my blog from Apple News if I didn’t blog within the week. Thanks, Apple News!…
@danielpunkass I'm blogging quite often, I'm still waiting for the review process to let me in as a publisher...
@danielpunkass If you hadn't heard, Apple News dropped RSS support for new blogs, and it sounds like they rarely approve personal blogs anymore. Weeding out inactive blogs could be the first step to removing them altogether.
@danielpunkass What is this Apple News you speak of? Even fanboys have their talk to the hand moments on Apple offerings. Apple News is mine.
@maury As a publisher I think it’s in my interest to be available wherever readers want to find me. Within reason.
@manton I did submit my blog (hosted on WordPress) using a plugin to use News APIs instead. Fingers crossed.
@numericcitizen I'll be curious to hear if you get approved. Apple excluding RSS seems short-sighted, but they have different priorities than I would have.
@manton I dumped Apple News a year or two ago. Hate seeing those links in forwarded emails. Their worst product since first-generation Maps.
@MitchWagner Ouch. Yeah, for it to work I think they should've figured out how to give back to the web instead of just taking web content and putting it behind a native experience. It feels like the wrong half of half a product.
@manton Yeah, it's those links that are deadly. No way to forward a link to someone else or post it to social media (or :) or save to Pocket or Instapaper. Plus too much celebrity gossip and promos for News+. Nope.
@rich\_text Thanks. 🙂
@danielpunkass I was wrong about this, although I think my point stands that Apple seems to be moving away from RSS and personal blogs in News. Thanks to @pxlnv for clarifying. I've posted a follow-up here.