Had a good run for a few months on uptime until today. I’ve upgraded one of our servers to prevent this particular meltdown from happening again.

Had a good run for a few months on uptime until today. I’ve upgraded one of our servers to prevent this particular meltdown from happening again.
@manton Thanks for the enhancement for EU hosting. One thing I experience on the 1st party apps (IOS / Mac) is a delay between a post and seeing it on my micro blog page. I assume this is all just a part of the process of it getting generated into a static page especially with image handling?
@manton BTW ,already missing the bi-weekly Micro.blog updates on Core Intuition. Any plans to launch a "this week in Micro.blog" podcast that's 5 - 10 minutes long maybe you and a community manager talking about technical & community changes?
@AdamChandler I would love to have a podcast like that. I think we should bring back our Micro Monday podcast to fill that role, maybe alternating between interviews and status updates.
@AdamChandler Yeah, there is a lot more we can optimize with how it generates pages and updates the timeline. Especially in the apps, we should be updating the timeline immediately so you have better feedback.
@manton partially joking but for $1 a month, I'm never going to complain about anything. You could literally go offline for a week and I'd just hang out and wait :P
@AdamChandler Haha. Thanks. I hope it never gets that bad!