@manton I notice that only the title of my blog post and the link made it to my Social Media accounts, not up to 300 characters of the post itself. I would really like some of the post itself to appear as well.
@manton I notice that only the title of my blog post and the link made it to my Social Media accounts, not up to 300 characters of the post itself. I would really like some of the post itself to appear as well.
@kevinwritestech When there is a title on the post, it currently includes the title and link and not any of the text. If there's text with no title, it sends the text and truncates if needed. We have talked about some kind of "summary" option to have more control over this in the future.
@manton you could use AI to generate a 300 character summary (minus the link length) and present to summary field for editing.