@manton I’m seeing my posts show up twice in Miro.blog, even though they only appear once in my RSS feed. Any idea what could be causing that?
: sadlerjw.com@manton I’m seeing my posts show up twice in Miro.blog, even though they only appear once in my RSS feed. Any idea what could be causing that?
: sadlerjw.com@sadlerjwtest Not seeing the duplicates. Did you remove them? Everything looks okay. (Except that it adds your domain name because the feed URL domain name doesn't match your blog post links.)
@manton Oops, I forgot the @sadlerjwtest account existed. It looks like there are still some duplicates on @sadlerjw. (How can I delete the test account? I was only using it to test with Wordpress before I completed my migration.)
@sadlerjw Send an email to help and I'll follow up on the extra account and duplicates. Thanks!