@andy It should! Although I blogged about it after my first quick test drive and haven't even really put it to the test yet.
@manton Very cool! You have me thinking about putting a flex panel on the top of the CR-V. Would be good for short camping trips or for a small tailgate coffee/tea setup maybe.
@manton what else do you have planned for it? And where does your cooler/fridge go in relation to the bed platform?
@rscottjones Nothing else planned for now. There's very little room, so right now I have a cooler that I just put in the passenger seat. I think a very small fridge could fit under the bed platform.
@manton I'd guess that some of the newer tech panels are tough enough to act as the permanent base to a rack like that, then when not loaded out thy'd be generating power … many of the flexible boat targeted panels for instance.
@manton I have a road trip solo sleep set up for my Subaru Outback, but forewent the bed platform in favor of flexibility. I often need to convert mid-trip from solo travel (when I drive our stuff across a few states) to camping with my wife (she takes a cheap flight to meet me, to save vacay time)