Here’s an example screenshot in the Mac app of how I use bookmark summarization. I bookmark things I might blog about and get a nice summary of the story. Then later I might add tags or make highlights and use those as quotes in blog posts.

Here’s an example screenshot in the Mac app of how I use bookmark summarization. I bookmark things I might blog about and get a nice summary of the story. Then later I might add tags or make highlights and use those as quotes in blog posts.
@manton How do I get this? I have the AI features turned on, but I added a bookmark and after about 30 minutes I still don't see the Reader option or the summary.
@plumey Hmm, I checked your latest bookmark and it did generate a summary. Are you viewing on the web or one of the apps? Seems like it should be working… If you still don't see it, send me an email with which bookmark it was or a screenshot.
@manton It did for the most recent one, but not the one prior. I’ll try to create the bookmark again. Thanks!
@plumey Oh, was the bookmark something written by someone who is also on I think it doesn't summarize it in that case because those are usually short posts. But now I'm thinking I should change that so that it's more consistent.
@manton No I believe it’s a substack site, but public. It’s not generating an archive or the summary.
@manton ah yes I was looking through all my bookmarks and wondered why some had summaries and some didn’t- makes sense now!
@manton I have a filter to avoid us election topics. It should work on text in images too, imo.
@renevanbelzen That would be cool. We don’t currently analyze text in all photos, but it should still work on any accessibility text set.