Connected quotes about Apple News:
@Burk It should be possible to create a template on a blog in Apple News Format. Apple News can also pull from an RSS feed, although they seem to be limiting approval of that.
@manton I am trying the rss route right now. It’s approved, but seems to be only displaying content from 26+ weeks ago. Still trying to figure out the best way to handle the pushing of content over there.
@manton scratch that, it’s up to date now. Of course haha. Definitely going to be looking into a better way to post there via API so it looks prettier. Kind of ugly when just pulling in from RSS feed.
@Burk @manton for my approved feed I used RSS ... and it looked so bad that I stopped - with 'New News' - decided to change it around a bit and interestingly it allowed me to modify the URL and name - without additional approval! The feed on this site is a lot more controlled - so won't overload and allow me to manage a little easier.