@manton any plans to reduze the compression being applied to jpegs on Micro.blog? I've been noticing that my previous images are really lacking detail because of the compression. Specially when I compare to a local file before upload.
@manton any plans to reduze the compression being applied to jpegs on Micro.blog? I've been noticing that my previous images are really lacking detail because of the compression. Specially when I compare to a local file before upload.
@pcora I think it's often not just compression but the fact that images might be re-compressed multiple times for the timeline, and the colorspace lost. We've made some improvements recently so if an upload already has GPS location stripped, it will do less and may produce better cached images. Will continue to work on this.
@manton thanks. so if I make sure the export from lightroom is without gps information, it will help a bit?