I am quitting social media: cdevroe.com
@cdevroe ah! I had the exact same thought tonight!
I definitely want to go back to a careful selection of RSS feeds. The inability to turn retweets and threads etc off of Twitter is too much for me now. I just can’t process, after the past 2-4years…
Hope this change will make you feel better, all the best.
@cdevroe great post. Check out Cal Newport’s Deep Work when you’re looking for more books. Hari’s piece in the Guardian mentioned that you need to fill the vacuum. Newport’s book is 2016 or 2017, but in many ways explains how to do just that.
@cdevroe you mention that you will not got to Instagram to view the feed. What about individual profiles? I am planning something too, so I am collecting ideas 😁
@pcora If someone links me to an Instagram post, profile, or tweet, etc. of course I'll go look at it. This isn't about being a fanatic or a boycott. However, I won't be opening the feeds to see what is happening on those platforms any longer. I'm unplugged.
@cdevroe any time. I’ve been thinking about this problem a lot, since at least when I started my doctorate (~2011). I realized Facebook was distracting me from getting my work done, so I removed it from my phone. After two weeks, I knew I was on to something. Good luck!
@cdevroe webmentions are confusing, but i see my post in repsonse doesn't appear on your page: canion.blog/2022/01/0...
@cdevroe Good on you. I’ve been off social media for over two years now and can say my daily thoughts and behavior is noticeably different from when I started. Be kind to yourself throughout your goal and good luck.
@gregmoore That's great to hear. I appreciate your note about being kind to myself. Interestingly, this has seemed pretty easy so far. I think it is perhaps because I've wanted to do it for so long and I desire the results so badly.
@manton are webmentions only supposed to only reflect replies, though? I’d want to see all mentions when it’s capable…
@manton maybe a better way to say is “quote posts” and “link posts” are webmentions just as much as replies are…at least in my brain space.
But maybe that’s not what the indieweb specs say?
@toddgrotenhuis I'm thinking about changing this. There's been some discussion in the IndieWeb chat today about it.
@cdevroe cheering you on. Did that a few years ago. One of the best decisions about my time and energy I've made.
@manton I've always understood it as being up to the receiving site as to if/how to display webmentions, so they could conceptually be replies, quotes, trackbacks, link posts, etc., so I like the direction it sounds like your thinking is going -- though certainly don't know what the change impact would be for you!
@manton Yes I link my notes and posts in aseries manually adding the reply from indieweb.org/reply
Do wish I had a reply button but I just keep the page open.
@manton Shanske and Mathias seperate out the replies and generic webmentions on WP. I think fluffy's webmentionjs plugin does the same.