@pratik I don’t think so, no, but everyone is free to do whatever they feel like. I just kept that particular country because I have spent so many hours at the airport, ate, slept, shopped… in the end I’ve spent more time there than, say, the Vatican 😅
@lmika I have been blessed with incredible parents, an awesome job for many years, and then an amazing wife 🥰
@maique Haha! I can you make a case to include it. I hope you’ve reviewed best places to eat and to sleep in that airport
@maique Yeah, always planned to get to Portugal and, well, never got there ... yet! So many places so little time.
@maique Thanks. I must say I like to be other places, but I really don’t like traveling, so that’s a big reason I haven’t been to more places. Until we come up with a safe teleporter, (fly free), it’s not going to expand much I think.
@numericcitizen Vancouver (I think?) when I was very young, and more recently Toronto, Montreal, and Québec City.
@manton tell me if you ever come back to Montreal! I’ll pick you up at the airport and do a quick tour up to your hotel! 😀
@numericcitizen Thanks! I love Montreal but it has been years since I’ve been there. Got introduced to it with the Çingleton conference and went back a few times.
@manton went there when I was in the navy going to a school they have in Saratoga Springs , NY.
We used to go before I was 21 for… reasons.
@JMaxB Nice, thanks for sharing. Another cool thing about the US, is how often some people move around. Living in several states seems quite normal.
@maique Of course, I had to jump in on this too. Your list is quite impressive. I need to catch up!