Instagram videos to
@manton Cooool!
Do you know if OwnYourGram still posts previous IG posts when activated? That was a complete shock/no-go for me, but seemingly isn't mentioned anywhere. I'd love to use it, but only moving forward.
@manton I still haven't imported my photos from before 2014, so I have a vested interest in this solution too! It's just tricky to think through how this would actually work well from the user's perspective.
@aaronpk There's probably a notable set of people who're switching from manually-mirroring to automation, and that's the crowd who're going to be annoyed by suddenly having 15 duplicate posts. (It me.)
@manton That was a helpful service to learn about, thanks! I'd been leaning on IFTTT before, but it only shared links rather than the actual files. Now I've set that up, reconfigured the micropub wordpress extension so it works, and deleted a bunch of duplicate-and-broken posts... and it should all be much nicer going forward. 😂
@aaronpk I took care of it already via some manual shuffling around, thanks! Though if you're tweaking it... arguably the test-post it did wasn't well-tested, insofar as the image failed to upload, but passed anyway by virtue of being a post at all.
@aaronpk Oh, and I guess if we're going for wishlist-y things... further processing of the reposted text. Making it link usernames in the posts? Maybe strip the #tags?
@aaronpk So, my logic for manually linking it would be that for, e.g. cross posting to, autolinking the plain-text “@aaronpk” might not wind up referencing the user you intended. Forcing a hyperlink to the original instagram user is more reliable...
@aaronpk I’m using JSON mode, because simple mode + the wordpress micropub plugin just didn't-work with actually posting the images... so I can confirm that autolinking isn't happening in that situation, at least.
@kemayo So one thing to keep in mind is that there is no mechanism to send HTML in the "simple" mode, only in the "JSON" mode. In fact it might already be autolinking usernames in that mode, I can't remember now.
@kemayo hm most people do the autolinking in their blog software. I could see making an option to remove hashtags, tho only if they appear at the end of the post otherwise it could remove words from the middle of the caption if you use hashtags inline...
@kemayo Be careful what you wish for. WithKnown strips the hashtags for some reason and it creates all sorts of difficulties with the RSS coming into here. I need to find the time to dig into what Known is doing.
@kemayo fyi I pushed a change so that it will now only import photos posted after you sign up for OYG. Let me know if you want me to reset your account so you can start over.
@jw yeah, makes sense. I just pushed a change to enable this. It will now only import photos posted after you sign up for OYG. (Tho in your case you signed up a while ago so let me know if you want me to reset this for you)
@manton It will post the first page of recent photos, but not everything. Is that bad? Most people ask me to add a feature so they can import the entire history, which I've never gotten around to building. It would be much easier to change this to not import anything from before you started using OYG.