Right now, i can’t seem to find (“discover”) any users on tumblr nor Mastodon here. Except for wilwheaton.tumblr.com (try vancityreynolds or reallyndacarter) I’m getting zero results when I search. Am I doing something wrong or is something broken?
Right now, i can’t seem to find (“discover”) any users on tumblr nor Mastodon here. Except for wilwheaton.tumblr.com (try vancityreynolds or reallyndacarter) I’m getting zero results when I search. Am I doing something wrong or is something broken?
@jmuscara @jean @help To follow a person, they need to host their content on their own domain or subdomain. Like example.com or example.tumblr.com. People hosting content under directories like tumblr.com/example/ can't be followed. Also, there needs to exist a web feed (RSS, Atom, or JSON). Neither is true for the two examples you provided, unfortunately.
If you share a person you can't follow on Mastodon, I will try to figure out why.
@SimonWoods they've added quite a few dark patterns-- I've noticed /archive pages get nuisance banners if you scroll to far or try to click to posts from there without explicitly opening in new tabs, for example.
@jsonbecker I got yelled at by an advert on there recently... it was for jobs at Automattic.
@SimonWoods @sod @jean @help thanks for the replies. That's really too bad because it would be a cool feature and help draw more here I think