Lark on a Fence Post
Rather cloudy today. This wee guy was singing loud and clear. Gets better as it goes.
Lark on a Fence Post
Rather cloudy today. This wee guy was singing loud and clear. Gets better as it goes.
@johnjohnston He was really going there! Yesterday I sat on the veranda and a “Linerle”, (Motacilla alba), child flew from the nest right by, and then sat on the head of a neighbor of mine which was sitting there. It sat on his head for a good 10 seconds, but unfortunately, I didn’t have a camera with me.
@odd I think we call that a ‘pied wagtail’. My class love watching one out the window. I tell them about this.
@johnjohnston The name certainly sounds fitting. Some call it a “vippestjert” in Norway, and that means “wagtail”. When I was searching, (and failing) to find it’s name in English, I noticed that on the British isles there is a subspecies of the Motacilla alba, with the added name “yarrellii”.