I just spent a 12 hour flight sat next to a 4 year old and she was better behaved than the majority of adults I've sat next to on planes. Amazing.
I just spent a 12 hour flight sat next to a 4 year old and she was better behaved than the majority of adults I've sat next to on planes. Amazing.
@rosemaryorchard My guess. Great parents.
@joelmearig Oh definitely. The mum was on the other side and was on top of things, but she didn't need to be because this kid was so great!
@rosemaryorchard being a relatively new parent, I was afraid to annoy everyone on the plane with the kid. But now I think it’s more of a myth. Most kids seem to be really cool with flying 😊
@hutaffe Very young children struggle with pressure in their ears, but feeding them helps a lot and most of the time they just sleep anyway!
@rosemaryorchard Yeah, we got lucky on our first flight (she slept 5h straight 😉) But I somehow pay more attention to others now and I rarely see children being annoying or anything. Of course there is always an exception.
@hutaffe I was terrified flying the first time with our first daughter. She was like 5 months. But we fed her at take off and she slept for hours. 🙌
@braker1nine that was actually the first time I got to see a full movie again... best flight ever 😉