People who are using’s blogroll feature, are you also listing all people you follow on or just a subset? If it’s the latter, how do you and how many do you select?
People who are using’s blogroll feature, are you also listing all people you follow on or just a subset? If it’s the latter, how do you and how many do you select?
@pratik I see this as separate entities. My blogroll features a subset of people I follow more closely in my complete feedlist (approx 400 people). This is irregardless of the underlying network or software used.
@pratik listing only people I think are worth discovering. I'm trying not to list the "usual suspects". But It's a work in progress.
@pratik A small subset. Like the original blogroll I created for my first blog back in 2005, it’s a work in progress.
@pratik I also see my blogroll as a curated list of interesting people.
@pratik Just started adding the blogroll feature to the actual blogroll I had going for a couple of weeks. I see it as something totally independent of Doesn't really matter where the blogs are hosted, as far as I'm concerned.
@pratik My list is a mix of people I follow on and off Right now it features mostly people who have been helpful to me in getting off the ground with IndieWeb stuff
@pratik My blogroll is for people who I know write something worth reading. In most cases I’ve followed them for years and if they are on that’s purely coincidental and because they have good taste.
@pratik Thanks all who responded, and in the spirit of of not revealing your following list, I may only add people to my blogroll
@pratik I’m not using’s blogroll feature since this place isn’t my canonical but sharing something in the same vein: I’ve listed only five blogs of people in space I really recommend over on my space blog hosted on Ghost at this link: All of these blogs except one are not hosted on Ghost, meaning I use the blogroll to spotlight people from across the Web. Will do the same for Journal J soon.
@pratik thats an angle I never would have considered. I don’t really think there’s an inconsistency there.
@jsonbecker Sorry, what specific part? These are the times I wish we had threaded conversations
@pratik the idea that adding someone from is revealing your follow list and therefore somehow running counter to the ethos here.
@pratik Haha, sure. Was trying to point out the thinking though more than who I recommended.
@jsonbecker Maybe. But I find it freeing that I’m not judged by whom I follow and what I like. The previous social media platforms had too much drama on who’s following whom and not. When even unfollowing someone was a story.
@pratik yeah I mean I’m speaking from the position of someone who hasn’t and isn’t planning on adopting that feature anyway so what do I know?