OMG. I have shares currently worth a massive $16 in this company, and here's a screenshot from today's shareholder update. (I invested $140 initially.)

OMG. I have shares currently worth a massive $16 in this company, and here's a screenshot from today's shareholder update. (I invested $140 initially.)
What the actual...
How in the hell...
So, what's their...
I give up.
This is why I firmly believe business jargon will lead to our downfall as a species.
@Miraz LOL! And we tend to blame AI for gibberish when in fact, business schools have been dishing such stuff out for decades.
BTW what's legacy genetics? Sounds like eugenics 😳
@jessekelber I wonder if someone just drew items from some kind of bowl of words and threw them all together…
@pratik Gibberish is a good word for it. Ummm, legacy genetics … Their actual name is Rua Bioscience. I just thought I'd throw $150 at it a couple of years back, but it turned out to be a total loser.
Word salad is one thing...this had to be created by this site:
@Miraz I recently also lost a minor amount (low 100s) to another biotech company, Cue Health that I invested when they IPOed. I guess this may have had something to do with it. Luckily, I sold before this story came out but the stock had dropped a lot.
@Miraz And “Rua Bioscience aims for a fair local medicinal cannabis industry”. Ah! Now I get it 😉
@Miraz Ehhh ... I blame my inability to understand on age and being a non-native speaker ... or could it possible just be that someone has taken drugs or just being immensely bored.
@Miraz Haha, no, but I’m assuming from the choice of words. I’m imagining it’s business-speak for “This is fine”.
@Miraz I'm more than slightly shocked to realise that, even though it's gibberish, I understand on a second reading what they're trying to say. I may be wrong, but:
We've been trying different things. We don't waste money. We care about people. We get genetic material from Aotearoa. We work with other organisations, and sell our stuff around the world.
Even if that's right, though, it still doesn't tell us what they actually do.