Welcome to Micro.blog to my pal @kerri9494. That makes three librarians here (that I know of) including @kimberlyhirsh and @cygnoir. Librarians are my superheroes, and it makes me happy to see you here, Kerri!
Welcome to Micro.blog to my pal @kerri9494. That makes three librarians here (that I know of) including @kimberlyhirsh and @cygnoir. Librarians are my superheroes, and it makes me happy to see you here, Kerri!
@macgenie fun fact: I was head student librarian in high school, using a Mac 128K to introduce a simple computer-based database system, back in the days of card catalogs and checkout stamps. I also worked in a private medical info library during university, which in part led me to later working on Mac medical software consulting.
@dejus Yay, four librarians and counting. Step One in the quest for world domination: win the librarians over!
@macgenie I was, for most of my years in Scouts, our troop’s Librarian ;-) I remember being aghast when I learned we had no recordkeeping of any sort, so I implemented a catalog and checkout system!
One of my best friends from grad school is an actual librarian, though; librarians++
@smokey And we are up to five librarians. You never retire from being a librarian. It's like being a Jedi, right?
@macgenie I was a library assistant for 7 years at secondary school - the entire time I was there!
@macgenie I know a few. I'll have to start recruiting them!
One's a research librarian. Nothing like going to a museum and having her date and explain all the medieval manuscripts. Some other visitors thought she was a docent. :)