Hello, world! Currently posting from Gluon. 😁 I’m also gonna try and poke around the official Micro.blog iOS app this time around, and I’ll see which one sticks.
(maybe Gluon because of the “glue” reference? lol 😝)
Hello, world! Currently posting from Gluon. 😁 I’m also gonna try and poke around the official Micro.blog iOS app this time around, and I’ll see which one sticks.
(maybe Gluon because of the “glue” reference? lol 😝)
@jean ooh nice, thank you! Been looking to connect with more people on here too 😄
Update: I just checked it, looks like it's a paid service 😅 might just try to find other ways to add alt text haha
@chiawase Hey there, nice to meet you. Thanks for using Gluon. The name is actually a reference to quantum physics 🤪 But I'll take your "glue" too haha. I'm always here to help you. Gluon is free to use, so I am unsure what you mean that it's paid? (maybe you meant something else). Also let me know if you like the official app – I know the developer too 😋 Thanks @jean for the intro ❤️
@vincent oh omg, I might have replied to this thinking it was a different conversation!! 😱 but yeah, been using @gluon for the past few days, been a good experience so far! It's been making me think of how I'll set up my categories for the longer posts I do plan to have (or might accidentally make) when I continue on sharing my thoughts in this space 😄
I didn't know that "gluon" was also a quantum physics term! After a quick search on what it means, I like that it's the namesake 😁