
Guinea Pig Easter extravaganza, 2016. Now that Ada is gone, I haven’t had much enthusiasm to do more holiday tableaux. Ada was the sassy actor. With Grace the scaredy-pig, it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between a still and a video. Freeze over fight or flight!

Two guinea pigs and a stuffed rabbit in a purple Easter basket, with carrots and plastic eggs.


@jean It might be bittersweet to resurface photos like these, because I'm sure you miss Ada dearly. But I did want to say that this picture is absolutely adorable. I can tell how much love you have for those guinea pigs 😊

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@jayeless They are impossible not to love. They have lots of personality, and their cuteness factor is off the charts. And you get attached to the little tribbles. My previous guinea pig Rosie lived to be 8.5 years old. Six years old is not bad. Ada always had health issues--the vet was nearly sure she had lymphoma when she was two. But I would have liked to have had her bossing me around for another couple years.
