🗣️ I thought the IndieWeb was supposed to be easy. Why can't I figure out web mentions?
🗣️ I thought the IndieWeb was supposed to be easy. Why can't I figure out web mentions?
@brandonwrites I think Micro.blog does a good job layering the complexity factor a bit and @manton is about as helpful a CEO as you will ever find but some stuff takes me hours to figure out, like DNS records and using microhooks with TinyTheme. I finally get there - but the journey is hard.
@amerpie @brandonwrites Thanks y'all. DNS is always a challenge. Any suggestions? I don't think it's any harder on Micro.blog than it is with custom domains on Tumblr or elsewhere, but let me know if that's not true.
@manton I've been wondering if there's a way to see all my outgoing webmentions from Micro.blog. I like the incoming view and use its feed, but it'd be nice to see if the work I put into formating in-reply-to
links are working. Or maybe I don't want the additional thing to check would prefer ignorance. 🙃
@jarrod Heh. We do have a log of the outgoing webmentions, but it's not collected anywhere for display right now. Should be possible.