Back to Fastmail for me. Thank you HEY, you were amazing… but then I looked at the +$400 price tag per year for my little email I get across my domains. Oh and it was so slow… but nice and different. Certainly would recommend HEY to anyone.
Back to Fastmail for me. Thank you HEY, you were amazing… but then I looked at the +$400 price tag per year for my little email I get across my domains. Oh and it was so slow… but nice and different. Certainly would recommend HEY to anyone.
@vincent Where were you experiencing slowness? I’m not knowingly seeing it myself.
@vincent Interesting, I didn't pull the trigger with Hey. My primary email with with Hover where my main domain is, but recently opened an account with for a newer email address I’m using
@pratik @RossA @khurtwilliams so I’m using “Hey for Work”. That’s $12 per month. I have 3 domains that I want to use. So that’s (3 x 12) x 12 months = $432 a year. I wasn’t interested in setting up only sending domains that they offer and have a proper account for each.
@crossingthethreshold the slowness comes from big emails chains between clients and switching views like “The Feed” (always took 5 - 8 seconds). In a big email chain it was the same wait time (10 or more levels in). So I had to wait before I could even reply (and then it wouldn’t scroll to the compose window etc). I didn’t mind at the start… and was promised it will be looked at… so I was waiting. But mainly it’s the price for using my domains.
@hawaiiboy I was drawn in because of the fact that it was different and created by the people that made Basecamp and I guess I always looked up at the company. Probably true for a lot of their fan base.
FastMail has a nice web interface and app, and it feels familiar. Plus I could hook it up to Apple Mail and use a proper native app again.
@vincent I get that, I looked at it because of those same reasons, but at the end of the day, nothing about my current set up is broken. I do like the security of
Shifting accounts associated with financial institutions and the like to that email address.
@vincent I am reluctantly coming to the same conclusion. I really (really) like using HEY, but I'm realizing that I'm not comfortable putting the most important account I have (my email) into what is essentially a black box service, even if I trust the company behind it. If they had some support of IMAP or even POP3 I might feel differently.
@vincent Strange that they won't let you use multiple domains under one account for that price. I can see how it can get expensive quickly.
@vincent As I stated in another thread, I too went with Fastmail. The price of Hey is a real pinch point for me. It’s not enough better than my other options right now.
@grayareas @vincent im debating extending my Hey sub when it comes up soon. I didn’t have an email problem before so it doesn’t really solve an issue for me. What are the benefits of Fastmail? Just custom domains and privacy?
@vincent While I haven't timed how long it takes me to access email chains, one gripe I have is if I come into an email chain after a number of responses - something that can happen living in Hawaii and working with people in the UK. In such cases there can already be a lot of back and forth before I even wake up, and I sometimes find it difficult to find a response or even miss a response (until another response suggests that I have missed something).
For me it is a minor quibble which does not happen all of the time and won't see me leaving HEY, but I would like to see something clearer in an email thread.