@help I'm unable to approve via indieauth at this time into Lilihub, Quill, or indieweb.org. The error message says "Error while processing the request. Please try again or email help@micro.blog. Check the news blog for updates."
@help I'm unable to approve via indieauth at this time into Lilihub, Quill, or indieweb.org. The error message says "Error while processing the request. Please try again or email help@micro.blog. Check the news blog for updates."
@starrwulfe I see the error in my logs but I'm unable to reproduce this with my blog. What URL are you entering to sign in?
@help abc.starrwulfe.xyz... But now for some reason I can use my newer test url at starrwulfe-test.micro.blog to sign in and it works... ⁉️😅
@starrwulfe but I’m wanting to send webmentions from either one…
Does this mean the newsest created blog is the “dominant” one or is there a way to choose?
Ok, now when I sign into a micropub application with abc.starrwulfe.xyz, I get the following:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
server: nginx/1.14.2
date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:27:55 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 92
connection: close
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"No verified site could be found for token."}
But when signed in with starrwulfe.micro.blog, it works.
¿Qué? 😵💫
@starrwulfe What Micropub application is it? This error could happen if Micro.blog verifies the token with indieauth.com and the domain name returned does not match your account. (I'm going to test with Quill again…)