There was a long discussion about replies, threading and recently (although I cant find it now!)
So I spent some time building smart replies for Micro Social.
There was a long discussion about replies, threading and recently (although I cant find it now!)
So I spent some time building smart replies for Micro Social.
@gregmorris How do suggestions in your app appear in microseconds but on Mb's web app take ages?
@pratik it was your posts that made me build this so thank you.
There’s a lot of caching going on. At the moment it only shows people you follow and then there will probably be a sub routine to search for others after a prompt to the user.
I wanted it to be fast at the most likely stuff first.
@patrickrhone I can pretty much guarantee your posts will have nice replies to read so your a default account to test with.
Thank you for the kind words ❤️
> only shows people you follow and then there will probably be a subroutine to search for others after a prompt to the user.
+1 This is the way. On Mb's native UI, it used to show me people that I never interacted with and sometimes never showed the person I wanted to mention even after typing the full name which kinda defeated the purpose.
@pratik I noticed a lot of dormant account would come up when I tried it that way.
A big part of me making good user is experience is knowing what I don’t want!
@gregmorris thank you thank you thank you! The only thing that gives me pause is that the suggestion bar pops in and out jumping the text up and down the page you’re typing
@gregmorris thanks to @jarrod I’ve improved the UI for smart mentions.
I think you’re going to love it!
@gregmorris Like if I were to type out a reply like this, but then I wanted to insert a mention to @gregmorris in the middle of the text like this.