I hate .webm files. There, I said it. Why? I don’t know.
@numericcitizen I think there's an argument that everything should be JPEG, PNG, MP3, and MP4 forever. Diminishing returns for new media formats compared to universal compatibility.
@manton And why not just 3? I usually default to PNG, and am honestly not sure what JPEG offers that PNG doesn't.
@jarrod JPEG is best for photos in my opinion. Much smaller files and compression that was designed for photos. Micro.blog pretty much assumes JPEG = photo, PNG = screenshot, because that's the default for iOS and Android.
@jarrod PNG is better at line graphics like programming screenshots but JPEG is superior for photos.
@manton Okay, gotcha. That’s what I’d gathered from context over the years, but thought PNG was smaller overall even with photos. It’s interesting that the kind of image matters.
@numericcitizen I’ll add .webp into the same fire.
@gregmoore @numericcitizen @JohnPhilpin @manton @jarrod @jsonbecker Good news, everyone! We can now also use JPEG XL.