Show me your blogroll
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I follow over 200 personal blogs in my RSS reader. Some people’s blogs I’ll read every post, some I’ll skim, some I keep to glance over post titles to see what is going in that person’s world.

I wish there was an easy way to keep a webpage in sync with the OPML file in my reader. The thought of manually keeping my blogroll in sync with my feed would be too time consuming. Though maybe it would be a fun project to post about 3-5 blogs I follow every week. Then again, I already share blogs and posts that interest me on my blog and it might be too redundant.

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frank The feedreader Inoreader had the option to keep a public OPML file of a specific group of feeds. On my WordPress site I had a small plugin that would keep this in sync with a blogroll page through periodic checks. But then again, does a blogroll change thát often to have it automatically synced?

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frank I see you use WordPress so I had a quick look in my archive. You can find the plugin at and here is the article I wrote in 2019 (Google Translated...) about it.

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@frank My "blog roll" is available on my About page in the Blog Roll section.

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@frank Thanks for sharing, added to Feedbin, curating as I go...

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@maique Always Be Curating! Some of the blogs are in Dutch though.

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@numericcitizen I like how you give context to blogs along with the avatar in the list.

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@martinschuhmann I’m happy to have reminded and inspired you!

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@frank Wow! It's an honor to be on this list amongst such great names.

New to-do: [] Add a blogroll to my web

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I’ve subscribed to your OPML. added a feature where we can subscribe to an OPML as a reading list and subscribe to the changes in it, too. Thanks for sharing!

Here is my blogroll:

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frank I see the collaboration between Dave Winer and WordPress is taking shape. I still have an account with the former Twitter sign-in possibility. On (notice the .org instead of .com) I have my account. I have no idea how to transfer this to the new service. Might have to look into this.

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frank And by the way, what an amazing list of resources. I will dive into this!

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@frank I’ve got my FeedLand feeds on my blogroll page.

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@frank -- the new FeedLand service on Automattic isn't quite ready for prime time yet -- we still want to do more testing, update the docs, and have a nice Thanksgiving holiday. ;-) Also what Chuck is saying is actually pretty amazing. You can subscribe to an OPML subscription list in the new FeedLand, so when you edit your list, his FL will automatically adjust. That's just the beginning of where we want to go with this. Feeds have a lot of innate power that hasn't yet been tapped.

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@dave @frank @johnjohnston @cagrimmett If only we could get WordPress to update their old OMPL infrastructure to support v2 as well... I wonder who besides me still uses that old (but still spectacular) Links functionality from the early 00s?

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@chrisaldrich @dave @frank @johnjohnston @cagrimmett I use Jan Boddez's Sync OPML to Blogroll plugin to keep my WordPress links in sync with Feedland.

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@frank Hi. I have mine over here, It’s a continuous work in progress. I haven’t looked at setting up OPML yet but based on this thread it looks like something I should look into!

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@frank nice roll

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In reply to

@johnjohnston Well, this becomes full circle then. In 2019 Jan wrote this plugin because I complained (Google Translated) my blogroll wasn't dynamic.

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@frank lovely of see the ripples.

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@frank It's small, but it's there…

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In reply to a post .

There was just so many things, that I would like to recommend to people. And yet I can not think of a single good reply to any of them.

Still, even though I don't really have a blogroll, I do have two bad alternatives to it. So I guess in the spirit of joining, I can at least share these two. That would also be sort of reply to Frank's request.

One think that I am still building by hand is the list of blogs of people, that I have interacted with. It can be found on my bookmarks page under the heading The Websites of the People I Personally Know.

Originally I started it in order to better remember the people, that I had an interesting conversation in the offline life or that we spent the time together at the conference. I am not that good at remembering people's faces, and I am generally a lot better at remembering what they told me. But connecting that to specific person is... sometimes seems like impossible task.

Not that I am that good in keeping track of that. It is by far from complete, and I still have these URLs string across a couple go documents. Or names, that I still have to search for. I am also not satisfied with the organisation. Not to mention, that I don't know what to do with the people, that do not have a website. But it is a start.

And since I can't really even get myself to keep the list up to date, there is no way that I am going to add comments there. Even though I really liked the comments on the Alex's blogroll.

Maybe one day, if I find a additional personal motivation for this. (On the unrelated note, just this week with my therapist, we dived into some reasons for my procrastination and this was one of the underlying reason - sometimes my reasons would be mostly other-based, and in these cases I would not do a shit. So I am allowing myself to not to this at this point.)

The other thing that I have is the list of all the outside links on my site, which can be found in my linked domains page. I do think that linking inside of the text is one of the ways we show appreciation for the post.

Even if sometimes I am not sure, if I am allowed to link - so if I am not discussing the specific post and the person is not an active IndieWeb (in narrower sense) participant, I will generally try to get permission or err on the side of not linking. The last person that I asked for permission was my coworker last week, since I was planing to write the process of our common debugging on the site, and in this case I got a very strong yes.

Since it is the Japanese internet (via Tracy) that seems to lean more into that direction compared to western side, maybe this is the effect of my consuming too much Japanese media through the years? And some of the common mentality imprinted on me?

Originally it was created for me to have a quick overview of what I am linking to an who links to me (since I am also including the webmentions links that I got in one section). It was a way for me to do analysis once, when I was interested in it and it does give me more work to keep the updated index on my website.

There is zero context of these links, unless on clicks to the pages, where I linked from.

That is the only thing close to the blogroll, that I have on my site. So I guess this will have to work for now.

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frank Sara, I want to thank you for your amazing reply to me. I find it so fascinating how to think I know what a specific term or concept like a blogroll should be and then there is someone like you who completely blows this out of the water. I had so much pleasure to spelunk and crawl through the links on the pages you provide. So much hidden treasures! Pages like these also bring a sense of community, of kinship.

We don't know each other, we might have never met, yet there are familiar names from the Indieweb we both know and maybe met. So we are just one handshake away from each other. I like that. I have thoughts on your definition of "personally knowing" someone in the list. Is this because you met them in person? Or would you personally know someone even better when you follow their online publishing over a course of time? It is just something I think about now and again. Your bookmarks and domains list is to me what makes the personal web worth while. Thank you!

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