
Expect we’ll see a blog post from Jason or David today before everyone is distracted with Epic vs. Apple lawsuit. It will be difficult to write (might need lawyers). It has to serve multiple audiences: employees, customers, and casual “fans” of Basecamp who feel disillusioned.


@manton was their choice on company policy so badly received? I'm not up with the internetverse


@fabio Yes, if you're curious the basic chronology is in these posts: Jason on policy, Casey Newton breaking the internal story, David responds, more internal debates we don't know about, and then a number of employees resign. I have a longstanding respect for folks there (founders and employees) but I don't know what happens next.

In reply to

@manton got it. Looks difficult to navigate. I probably wouldn't stay at a company that trusts their employees so little that bans political (and social?!) speech. I want my employer and my coworkers to be actively just, not passive. However, the writeup by DHH seems reasonable too, particularly don't equate one very stupid, very (racially) white mistake to the roots of terrorism. Feels like there's more under the board. The way forward I would have chosen is "we stand for inclusion, we PLAN and ACT for inclusion and we clearly label mistakes as such, without the need to burn people on stakes, but WITH a need for continued responsibility and accountability." More practically how to foster inclusion is hard, but surely as heck is not by banning political speech.
