Finishing up an academic paper about the unproductively vague affirmations of interdisciplinarity and the framework I’ve developed to help sharpen what’s happening in my work.
Finishing up an academic paper about the unproductively vague affirmations of interdisciplinarity and the framework I’ve developed to help sharpen what’s happening in my work.
@ablerism Oooh interesting. We talk a lot in honors education about the importance of interdisciplinarity while mentioning little about what it is and why it’s so important.
@dorsalstream I think this is true everywhere! Struggling a lot to finish this up, but it’ll be out in fall. Will send to you?
@ablerism reminds me of a framework one of my professors gave the class for plotting our creative work: Language, Source, Drama, Vision. It was a really stimulating prompt—but it’s cool to think about going another step and also defining the initial “cardinal points” for yourself!