@amit The fact that it’s also happening to replies, within a single conversation, leads me to believe that it’s something on Micro.blog itself, not a/the feeds (although in this case @aaronpk’s replies are posts on his site, which makes it less than a slam dunk hypothesis; however, the main Timeline…). That and the fact that many people’s posts in the main Timeline are sorting all out of order (and @Burk and @macgenie’s posts from this afternoon are still at the top of the Timeline, 6 hours later); I find it hard to believe that a whole bunch of people’s feeds on multiple platforms all went bad at once :-) It’s also possible that a bunch of people’s feeds on multiple platforms, including some, but not all, M.b-hosted microblogs, were bad already and a change on M.b just exposed the problem, but to me the simplest explanation is that something related to timezone handling in Micro.blog itself is broken right now ;-)
(This reminds me of attempting to figure out what was wrong with a website that wouldn’t work for a user in Camino when we had no access to the website in question…lots of shooting flaming arrows in the dark based on the limited information the user was providing us ;-) )