Took several tries to work out this design and I’m still not sure I’m fully happy with it, but it does have a title: “How Shines the Sun,” a line from Goethe’s “Mailied” (May Song). So it may not be perfect, but it has pretensions.
Took several tries to work out this design and I’m still not sure I’m fully happy with it, but it does have a title: “How Shines the Sun,” a line from Goethe’s “Mailied” (May Song). So it may not be perfect, but it has pretensions.
@dwalbert I really love that sun. I've been reading American Peasant and (as you know) he's discussed some sun symbols in carvings. I found a sun carving on one of the oldest houses in town on a recent historic tour. I've been imagining a bookshelf with a sun on the rail above the top shelf.
@aa Yeah, I already have people asking if I carved these by hand. As if I might have used a CNC router.
@jabel I'm imagining a rising sun, instead of the traditional shell carving, but that may lose the symbolism you want.