FYI I now also have a mastodon account (I hope I linked that correctly…). Still trying to figure out how best to cross-link all these output channels together.
FYI I now also have a mastodon account (I hope I linked that correctly…). Still trying to figure out how best to cross-link all these output channels together.
@rosemaryorchard saw that too, yeah. What I would absolutely prefer, of course, would be if mastodon had a similar option as has, i.e. that I'd be able to specify an RSS feed as a source in my account. Not the case, though.
@rosemaryorchard I think I'll rather have my own service that postst my own RSS-content to AND mastodon independent from each other rather than chain them one after the other.
@alans hello fellow Quill user! Could you direct me to the toggle to post to mastodon? I haven't been able to find it.
@eli For me, it’s right on the post screen. Do you not have the button? To wire it up, there’s a config variable to set with your mastodon auth token, and then you need to click the refresh list link.
@alans ah, intriguing. Thanks for the screenshot! I do not see that. Is the config variable within quill itself, or is it a parameter your micropub endpoint returns?
@dgold that was my assumption -- I just don't see any docs. about it for quill, and I know quill now includes work around to support cross-posting to twitter.
@eli Hmm, I was just thinking about that, because I forget how those pieces are joined. It’s in my endpoint config file (I use nanopub). I thought I had that button even before I added the mastodon key, but maybe I’m mis-remembering?
@alans so far, I am using a completely different setup (using basically git post-receive hooks to generate a jekyll blog which acts as the source for that doesn't use micropub at all ..
@rosemaryorchard yeah, that's also one that caught my eye. May have time to look into it tonight, we'll see.