@help Is there a way to force the official iOS app to refresh the avatar? Seems to have done it, but then reverted to old one. Gluon is fine for a couple of days already, web is also great. Thank you 🙂
@help Is there a way to force the official iOS app to refresh the avatar? Seems to have done it, but then reverted to old one. Gluon is fine for a couple of days already, web is also great. Thank you 🙂
@odd Thanks! I was aware it might take a little while, but didn’t expect it to go back to the old one once the change happened🙂
@maique @odd I think this is an aspect of this process that Manton intends to fix. I do appreciate the switches we are given for resetting certain things, accessing logs, and so on but this does feel like the type of feature that should work with no input from the user. // @manton
@crossingthethreshold Thank you so much. I’m away from the laptop for a while now, thanks for checking. As far as I can tell, on my end, only the official iOS app is still stuck, as I said. Gluon, and web, are doing fine.
@maique The avatar reverting is new to me, but the delays especially on iOS are a known problem… Nothing really to do but wait unfortunately.
@help I’ll wait, of course. Really strange, though. If I go to my profile page, I get the new one. If I go into a conversation where I’m mentioned, or started, the old one is shown 🙂 Has been like this for over a day now.
@crossingthethreshold Darn! And today it seems to have settled on the new one on my end… @manton
@maique Two hours later and it is back to the new one! 🤯@manton
@crossingthethreshold Victory! At least for now!
Nothing short of amazing that one can edit the themes, change a ton of stuff, and have it live a minute later, and this tiny thing is the one that is harder to get set 🙂
@crossingthethreshold @maique I feel bad about this, but also most profile photos change so infrequently I've been reluctant to prioritize this above other things because there will be a performance/complexity trade-off... I bet there are simple changes we can make that will make it more consistent as a first step.
@manton Don’t, really. I’m sure a lot of things, or every single one of them, must have a higher priority. I had the same one for years, and this will probably stay there for the same amount of time. For me, unaware of the way these things work, it feels odd that such a tiny thing can be so hard, but I can think of a lot of stuff in my field that seems easy, and then isn’t 🙂