Wouldn't it be nice if micro.blog could talk to WithKnown as well as listening to it.
@jeremycherfas Posting to Known should work via Micropub, from the Micro.blog iOS or Mac app. @cleverdevil, isn't that what you do?
@manton @jeremycherfas yup, I post to my Known site with the Micro.blog iOS and macOS app frequently. Works pretty well!
@cleverdevil @manton Never worked for me. Maybe because I’m not hosted here? My Known stream is picked up here reliably though.
@jeremycherfas posts come across, at–mentions don’t get parsed for me
@jeremycherfas It's independent of hosting. Should prompt for your site if you choose "WordPress or compatible weblog" in the Settings and then start a new post.
@manton Nope. Not in the iOS app, nor in the OS X app. I've authorised more than once and still get the error. Willing to try almost anything.
@jeremycherfas If you don't mind, let's move this to help@micro.blog if you can forward the error there and any info about the Known instance. Would love to get it resolved.