@colinwalker What about Feedwrangler? I used it for a couple of years, until during a subscription review I realised that I was grandfathered into a Feedly account that supports more than 100 feeds for free.
@canion I’ve never really heard much about it. Hmm, I wondered if my Feedly account is grandfathered as well. I used to have a lot more than 100 feeds.
@colinwalker I've been using Feedbin since it first came out. It's reliable and easy to use. I find the UI so easy to use that I don't use a native RSS reader with it.
@colinwalker I've been using FeedWrangler since Google Reader shut down. It's not pretty and the UI could be improved but since I use Reeder to do the reading it works perfectly well. I just payed for another year.
@jemostrom @colinwalker Like Jan Erik, I've been a very happy FeedWrangler customer since its inception. I highly recommend it.
@colinwalker Wow, guys, thanks for pointing this out. I threw Dave Winer's Feed for Journalists file at Feedly, it appears I am grandfathered also.
@MrHenko @jemostrom @matthewlang Thanks guys. I’ve opted for Feedbin for the time being. I know it reasonably elegantly handles title-less posts and will be the first 3rd party service supported in @brentsimmons Evergreen. I'll see how it goes.
@nitinkhanna I can’t exactly remember! I think it might have been something in my account settings? But I definitely know that I have more than 100 feeds, and they all work.