@manton One of my greater theories of how the world works is that every major problem comes down to scale. Cars are too big. Computers can read and reproduce information too fast.
@manton I think there is one angle to the anger you've left aside: AI funding is by the SV elite. They will rent the use of their AI for enormous profits. None of the content creators will get a cut—I think this is the "theft" argument. Would an open/free system face the same criticism?
@briandigital Yeah, distrust in big tech / VC funding is certainly part of it. Although legally, that probably shouldn't factor in.
@manton Ignoring the environmental impacts of training and running LLM's....
Here is a solution, pay people/orgs for the content LLM's are taking to train on. LLM's training on public content or "google zero" are both extractive and do not give back to the sites they are extracting from. A search index allows the indexer to "profit" and drive traffic back to the publisher, so they also "profit". An extractive process like this cannot sustain itself. It will end up enriching a few big players and then what? Also "near future AGI", AGI isn't near, LLM's are not AGI and not even in the same ballpark.