No ETAs:
@brentsimmons Not just for App development. Establishing artificial deadlines is bad praxis for any kind of project.
@brentsimmons Thanks for that explanation. All kinds of things I who am not a software developer had no idea about.
@Miraz I have an entire series of posts on my blog from back when I was working on Camino that are link-quotes of posts @brentsimmons wrote. He has a real talent for explaining things in software development to non-developers (especially those areas where developers and users interact), and that alone is a gift to us all.
@brentsimmons I’ve always been bad at making timeline estimates. My new job is even worse because there’s so many things going on at once and I spend most of the day in meetings.
@brentsimmons This is really getting some traction. Seeing links all over my feeds to it. Even in Xojo (formerly RealBASIC)
@sdevore I honestly didn’t expect it to gain that much traction. Written mainly because I really do (for NNW and for Omni) get constant questions asking about ETAs.
@brentsimmons I think you had fortuitous timing to roughly coincide with the worst Apple strict-annual-fall-releases OS versions in some time, so there were lots of receptive ears/eyes in that context, even though your context in writing it was NNW and Omni 👍 // @sdevore
@smokey I didn’t really think of that — but I bet you’re right.