@help Just curious how often Micro.blog pings external feeds for inclusion in my timeline? I've seen it arrive in my feed reader, but not yet on the Micro.blog side. Thanks!
@help Just curious how often Micro.blog pings external feeds for inclusion in my timeline? I've seen it arrive in my feed reader, but not yet on the Micro.blog side. Thanks!
@sod Thanks, unfortunately it still hasn't come through. @help in my logs I see "Feed: Error parsing RSS, feed 138294", but it doesn't tell me what feed that represents. I think it is the feed in question, though, which passes validation. There is an error basically asking for a content or summary element, but I don't think that should be required?
@bjhess Did you change anything in your feed? I just looked at it and it appears valid, and Micro.blog isn't showing any errors now.
@help I’ve only changed the updated date since first writing. Looks like the most recent blog post came through at some point. Hopefully good to go going forward. Thanks!
@help I just put out another blog posts. It has appeared in my micro.blog feed, but I did notice this in my logs. It's working, so I'm fine, but I figured it might be wortwhile to share in real time.
''' 2022-05-13 15:20:08: Feed: Error parsing RSS, feed 138294 2022-05-13 15:20:07: Feed: Downloading feed — bjhess.com/blog/feed.xml '''
@bjhess Is there any chance that your feed is being generated twice, once with invalid XML and then again correctly? So the first time Micro.blog checks it, it errors, but then it tries again and it's fine. That's my only guess at the moment.