
One job for the new year is to sort out my ‘flows’ … what do I syndicate versus keep separate in their own silos? Specifically thinking about microblog and mastodon.

Pretty much everything out there gets fed into microblog … EXCEPT mastodon.

Should that change?

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@JohnPhilpin I like keeping Mastodon separate. I’ll send things from m.b to mastodon but I don’t bring anything in.

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@meandering yes - I have done that - although my MicroBlog publishes to @microblog - which is different to my 'real account - @fractals .... in fact I very specifically don’t even following Mastodon accounts in Micro Blog.

That said, I do from time to time boost one mastodon through the other for a little bit of interesting cross pollination - but that is manual.

I think that is how it all going to stay for now.

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@JohnPhilpin I prefer to do this the other way around, but often forget to.

Ideally I'll post on Micro Blog, that goes to Mastodon and from there is relayed to Twitter.

If I post something new on my Ghost site ( it gets relayed on Micro Blog and hopefully ripples out to the others.

There's a catch. The service that posts from Mastodon to Twitter can only cope with 300 messages an hour - that's a Twitter restriction. So not everything travels to the end of the line and in some cases things get there eventually, but wait for a spare slot, which can be hours.

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