I had an idea to add 🎬 to the discover thread maybe also 👩🏽 to help us find more diverse people to follow?
I had an idea to add 🎬 to the discover thread maybe also 👩🏽 to help us find more diverse people to follow?
@JohnPhilpin Some people don't like being labelled "diverse", so it might be tricky to make this work without offending people.
@jamesshelley Yeah, it's tough. Those without power and privilege shouldn't be responsible for fixing the imbalance. On the other hand, initial consultation (not ongoing without action) can be invaluable for those with power and privilege but lacking understanding.
@belle thanks - maybe avoid the ‘diverse' term but introduce ability to find
A random person
New Users In The Past Day, Week, Month
-ditto- but they must have posted
‘New' Users who just 'comitted’ - ie moved beyond trial
Engaged Users - some kind of algo that looks at posts v responses v conversation length v number of people they engage with etc etc
Sure others can come up with all kinds of ways to ‘discover' peeps
Also sharing with @macgenie
@JohnPhilpin Thanks for these good suggestions. If you are not already there, it would be cool if you join the Slack where we have #community for looking more in-depth at idea to support the community. There's also #followme which is kind of a crowd-sourced directory.
@macgenie thanks - yes I am - but though I belong to more slack groups than are good for me - it still doesn’t make it into my daily workflow ... Will try better :-)